Tuesday 9 August 2011

Found a pathway

Found a shared tarmac path between us and our neighbour. 

Also unearthed a patio between the shed and greenhouse.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

The Brassica Arch

Other plot holders complain about wood pigeons stripping cabbages and kale etc. The arch measures 3m x 3.5m and for crop rotation is light enough for two people to lift and move.

Difficult to see on the pic but it's covered in a butterfly/bird-proof mesh

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Getting stuck in

Double compost bins are made and start on the digging. The ground is full of bindweed roots plus an unimaginable amount of broken glass and shrapnel in the form of rusty nails, hinges, screws etc..
The tree had to go so I could park on the plot. To date I've made 8 trips to the tip.

Saturday 11 June 2011

11th June 2011 we have an allotment

After twelve months on the allotment waiting list we were finally offered a plot. Unfortunately when we went to view it we were told that if we turned the offer down our names would be put right to the back of the list. So we took it.. 

Plot five occupies 260 square metres, just over 6m wide it's 42m long. 

 Enough rotten bamboo canes to fill two 1-ton builders bags. Would like to burn them really but site rules only allow fires from November to February and after 16.00 at that.

The big pane is a very heavy double glazed patio unit. There's a couple of Belfast sinks under there too (home to a family of rats). In total there were 20 window units strewn across the plot, most of them full of greenish brown water.

Looks like an outside loo. Full of crud and junk and well used by the rats. 
At least there's a greenhouse, just needed a bit of attention to get the door and window working 
before starting on the inside..