Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Still getting rid of the raspberry patch

Back in October this area that was overgrown with neglected raspberry canes was just too tough to dig with a spade but now the damp earth is soft enough to remove the rasp roots and crumbles sufficiently to tease out brittle bindweed rhizomes.

Bindweed roots from a single spadefull 
..and every spadefull has been the same
The original fruit bed started where the bean frame now is. The whole bed needed deep digging and sorting through a handful at a time.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Fitted the shed

Bubble wrap, formica and hardboard that I found on Freecycle, have all been used to insulate and line inside the shed. It's made it much brighter and warmer in winter and should be cooler in summer. Just the place to enjoy a cup of tea.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Don't need to take the car to the lotty nearly as often now so we've dug the parking space over ready for winter and next years planting.
Already planted comfrey and horse radish along the right hand edge a couple of months back

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Fencing in

Got talking to some contractors working locally who were replacing sections of fencing. They were happy for me to take away the old stuff to save them the cost of dropping it into landfill, so six journeys with the trusty wheelbarrow followed by a bit of nifty work with a hand saw and I've got a fence.

Put some near the back of the plot too 

Monday, 21 November 2011

Old shed down, new shed up

High winds on the day certainly didn't help any 

To stop the shed blowing backwards into the neighbouring garden, Jean held it  with a rope while I sledge hammered the sides out

The yellow hose is just to balance the water level between the two barrels. That way we can take water from the front one only.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Time to address the problem of the shed

First finish planting garlic and shallots.....

..then make a start on the shed. It's listing badly, leaks and is not exactly pleasing on the eye. Top pic is how it looked back in June.

Oh good, an ironing board, that could be useful!! The roof's already rotted and collapsed so no timber to salvage from here.

Sunday, 25 September 2011


More high winds are forecast. The runner beans have about finished anyway so hacked them down before leaves blew about all over the place.

Made this frame for next years beans, should be more robust than the bamboo wigwams.