Saturday, 2 May 2020

Allium Miner

First signs the Allium Miner is active. The rows of dots on this garlic leaf are made by a female as she feeds before laying her eggs.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

                                      Aerating. This batch has been on the go for seven days

We're able to keep the hot compost drier at the moment so after 14 days when the temperature drops it's moved into the 12x6 tin bay to finish and condition. It's still very toothy but usable. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Asparagus, spring onion, falafel (made using the last of our own frozen broad beans), garlic mushrooms cooked with fresh parsley, leaf salad, home made flatbreads and minty yog dressing. 
The food cost of this lot came well under £2.00

Thursday, 16 April 2020


Fresh from the plot and cooked on the plot in a little olive oil and sea salt

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Peas are in

Due to the Corona virus pandemic the country went into partial lockdown last night.  Allotments can still be tended as exercise but in case we go into full lockdown the peas are going out.
This lot were sown as usual in short lengths of guttering.