Friday, 25 August 2017

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

No dig potato update

Apart from a few volunteer Kiflis that have been left to grow, all the spuds are now lifted. 
Some were planted under leaves and some under wood chips.

Pro's of using leaves
Easy to mound up
Easy to harvest (also easy to furtle about for early tubers as they became large enough) 
Tubers were quite clean

Cons of leaves
In windy conditions leaves needed holding down with chicken wire until the canopy had grown
More slug damage than normal

Pros of using wood chips
Easy to mound up
Relatively easy to furtle (compared to soil)
Easy to harvest 

Cons of wood chips
More scab 
Chips mixing with soil as tubers were lifted
(Starting with better decomposed chippings would probably reduce the downsides).

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Tunnel Update

Cucumbers every day, peppers look promising and the toms are going strong.

Palermo peppers, grown from seed saved earlier from supermarket peppers.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

No-Dig, so far so good

So far the no-dig method is working well. Hardly any weeds, less watering and the plot looks vibrant.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Golden Bear white rot success

We usually lose about 50% of our onions to white rot but have only lost two out of 120 from this years crop of Golden Bear.  It's possible the one bed is less contaminated plus the dry weather may have helped but rot still claimed half the Red Baron nearby.
GB is marketed as resistant to downy mildew but I read it has an increasing reputation as having some white rot resistance too. Maybe the roots produce less allicin so the rot isn't triggered into being active. Whatever the reason I'll be growing them again next year. 

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Home made cheese and garlic loaf

Wholemeal cheese and elephant garlic loaf, should go well with Mediterranean style veg.

Friday, 7 July 2017