Saturday, 13 October 2012


The largest of the Turk's Turban squash is probably ripe enough to eat but still needs to cure more for storage.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Didn't think to measure the sunflowers until the heads had grown so big they hung down with the weight. At that point the tallest was 11' 8". I reckon they were taller in this photo.

Spaghetti squash are doing well
 As are the Turk's Turbans

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Bee Flowers

Flowers planted to help the bees seem to be working well now and make an appealing front to the plot.

Monday, 11 June 2012

One Year Today

Turning plot five around in the last twelve months has been fun and a challenge. In total we made 27 trips to the tip, dug in over four tons of rotted stable muck and recently started using the compost from our first bay.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Beans in

 Poles are strung and bean seeds are in. Have gone for Stenner runners with Blue Lake and Cobra French climbers.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Wood pigeons. Protect and survive.

Plastic bottles swing silently from wire springs to deter wood pigeon from nipping out new beetroot leaves. The quiet action doesn't seem to bother beneficial smaller birds which forage insects from neighbouring plants. 
Peas are caged and the brassica bed fully covered; necessary protection for young plants from Britain's most prolific large bird.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Spring 2012

                       Chillies, aubergines, peppers and tomatoes planted in the greenhouse

Garlic, shallots and Japanese onions are doing nicely. Summer onions in the next bed along are just getting going.