Sunday, 13 May 2012

Wood pigeons. Protect and survive.

Plastic bottles swing silently from wire springs to deter wood pigeon from nipping out new beetroot leaves. The quiet action doesn't seem to bother beneficial smaller birds which forage insects from neighbouring plants. 
Peas are caged and the brassica bed fully covered; necessary protection for young plants from Britain's most prolific large bird.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Spring 2012

                       Chillies, aubergines, peppers and tomatoes planted in the greenhouse

Garlic, shallots and Japanese onions are doing nicely. Summer onions in the next bed along are just getting going.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


Six rows of spuds here plus three rows further up the plot. First and second earlies, Red Duke Of York, Anya, Marfona and Kestrel. We had too many Kestrels (donations from last year) but couldn't give them away. It seems everyone has too many seed potatoes.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Shaping up

A spell of decent weather has allowed us to get stuck in, ready for the coming season. 

Bed prepared where the brassica cage was last year and main crop onions planted. We've left room round the edges to plant leeks which should make digging them out in winter easier (can stand on the path)

Also dug over the legume bed adding a load of compost. The brassica cage behind, in its' new position, still needs the bed preparing.

Even removed some soil from the greenhouse and dug in a load of well rotted stable muck. 

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Rainy day

Rained all day today so stayed in and baked a loaf

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Finally, the end of the old fruit bed.

Removed eight bin bags of roots from the last section, mostly bind weed.

Before levelling

The finished 6m x 6m bed looks like a lot of bare earth at the moment but I'm so glad to have that one done.