Tuesday, 16 March 2021

The Easiest Way To Plant Potatoes

The same beds have been used for potatoes since 2017 so now going into their 5th year. It wasn't originally intended to be like this, the beds are a metre wide plus a path between and were going to be included in general crop rotation. It just seemed a shame to start from scratch each year adding lots of extra organic material for earthing up. 

After potatoes are harvested the beds are used for interim crops and last autumn as they became empty we topped them with a layer of rotted stable manure then rotted wood chippings. 

Seed potatoes were dropped into 10 inch deep holes at 12 inch spacing then the hole simply scuffed over. The beds are really soft and making holes with a dibber couldn't have been easier. 

Planting up four beds with 56 spuds took us less than 20 minutes.

At least leaving the beds at their original size means hoops and nets for interim crops fit the same as other beds.