Sunday, 28 August 2011

Produce already

Folk from other plots have been really kind. In total we've been given over 90kg of potatoes, 40 onions, carrier bags full of various sized beet roots, broad beans, runner beans, cucumbers, lettuce, grapes, apples, spring onions, cabbages, cauliflowers, black kale, and the biggest squash I've ever seen.
Oh, plus two wood pigeons and a load of scaffolding poles to make bean supports.

Deep in the thickets we found we'd inherited redcurrant and blackcurrant bushes (one of each, both laden with fruit), quite a few gooseberry bushes and a few salvageable raspberry canes.
Of what we planted ourselves we are now harvesting French beans, runner beans, beetroot, perpetual spinach, Swiss chard and the first kale leaves. We've picked five cucumbers from the greenhouse plus loads of tomatoes.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Found a pathway

Found a shared tarmac path between us and our neighbour. 

Also unearthed a patio between the shed and greenhouse.